Christ The King RC Primary School

The Maya Civilisation

In this unit, the children will explore the world of the Maya, and debate whether they should continue to be remembered today as a significant culture. The children will begin by learning about the lives of the Maya today, before focusing on ancient Maya architectural achievements, their religion and surviving writings. They will also study the possible reasons why the Maya city states declined after 900 AD, looking at conspiracy theories and considering whether everything they read online is reliable. They will consider the issues faced when studying a culture where only limited types of evidence are available, predominantly archaeological evidence. While studying the unit, it is important to check the news for information about any new finds about the culture. Throughout the unit, the children will make links to other societies they have studied, including those covered in Year 3 The Stone Age and Year 4 The Ancient Egyptians.

How parents / carers can support learning at home.

  • Using block, bricks, Lego make a model Mayan pyramid.
  • Support your child to research an organise a PowerPoint presentation about the lives of the Mayans.

Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU

0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.