Christ The King RC Primary School


"The Mathematics curriculum at Christ the King provides all pupils with the opportunity to master their learning, develop their skills and deepen their knowledge whilst giving mathematics a sense and purpose."


Maths is an incredibly rewarding subject as it nurtures our children’s ability to reason and solve problems in day-to-day life. In Early Years and beyond, we strive to foster this sense of joy and achievement with the use of play and stimulating resources, including outdoor learning equipment. As children progress through the Key Stages, we build on their confidence and fluency using the White Rose Maths framework to support the learning journey.

Mathematics Curriculum Statement

Please view the Curriculum Maps below to find out more about what children are learning in each year group.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Mathematics Vocabulary Progression

Times Tables Rockstars & Maths Shed

Pupils from Year 2 upwards have their own logins for Times Tables Rockstars, where they can practise recalling multiplication facts and earn points for their rockstar avatar. They can also take part in competitions and challenges with their classmates.

Pupils from Year 1 upwards have a login for Maths Shed, where they can play games to recall core facts and complete set challenges and activities.

Times Tables Rockstars Day

In October, we had a fantastic time celebrating the 'Times Tables Rockstars Theme Day.' Children dressed up as a number or their TT Rockstar avatar, enjoying a fun-filled day of times tables activities and maths games. We had awards for the best dressed in each class and the top scorer in 'Battle of the Bands' competition. It was a very fun day and we got to see some really imaginative costumes!

“I think Maths is awesome! I like learning new things.”
- Mikey, Year 1.

There is a weekly competition for pupils to work with their classmates to achieve the most correct answers using their Time Tables Rockstars account. The winning class each week will earn a place in our 'Hall of Fame'. We will also be celebrating those children who make a consistent effort to practise each week.     

Maths Masterclass

On Tuesday 21st June some children from Y5 went to the Manchester University to take part in a Maths masterclass along with other schools. The masterclass focused on challenging mathematical problem solving and deeper thinking and gave the children the opportunity to construct and develop their own understanding of mathematics, making links and connections between concepts. They had a thoroughly enjoyable day experiencing a university setting and challenging their maths brains! 

Mastering Number

We are taking part in the nationwide project for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The aim is to strengthen understanding of numbers and fluency with number facts among children in the first three years of school. The children have regular practice each day using a range of materials and resources to support their learning, including Number Blocks and a small abacus called a Rekenrek.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Pupils begin to learn their times tables in Key Stage 1 and this continues into lower Key Stage 2. It is essential that pupils can rapidly recall times tables facts to enable them to progress further with Maths. To ensure children are confident with their times tables, pupils in Year 4 will participate in the Multiplication Tables Check in 2022. For more information, please click the link below to view a short information video.

Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU

0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.