Sacramental Programme
The Sacramental Programme at Christ the King
Our children make their First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Holy Communion in Year 3, and we devote significant time in school preparing our children for these beautiful Sacraments. The Year 3 class teachers will give regular updates to parents throughout the year regards special Masses and events.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession)
The Children will receive this Sacrament in March.
Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion)
The children will receive this Sacrament in June.
First Holy Communion Resources
Resources to support your child’s First Holy Communion can be found via this link:
Salford Diocese Videos
Salford Diocese have short five-minute videos for parents/carers of children on the First Holy Communion programme exploring various themes around the Mass finishing with three reflection questions. We encourage all parents to access these videos, as they present some valuable insights for us all.
Fr Mark Paver – Is it wrong to be bored at Mass?
Fr Frankie Mulgrew – Mass is amazing
David Wells – Jesus died for a reason
David Wells – Real Presence
Fr Mark Paver – Stay with it
Patty Ganley – Taking your children to Mass
Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU
0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.