Welcome to Reception!
Meet the Staff
Reception 1 Teacher: Mrs Deakin (Assistant Headteacher)
Reception 1 Teaching Assistants: Mrs Douglas and Miss Whyment
Reception 2 Teacher: Miss Pask
Reception 2 Teaching Assistants: Miss Hallworth and Miss Sherratt
Additional Support Teachers: Mrs Flemming
What You Need to Know
In the mornings, classroom doors will open at 8.30am for children to arrive, and then close at 8.45am.
In the afternoons, doors will open at 3.15pm for home time.
Please send your child to school in their PE kit on Thursday for PE lessons. PE kit is a plain white t-shirt with blue or black shorts.
NFER Baseline Assessments
During the first few weeks of Reception, we will carry out NFER Baseline Assessments. These involve fun, practical activities led by an adult, which will give an overview of your child’s early skills in Maths, Literacy, Communication and Language. These assessments will help us plan for your child’s next steps in learning.
Please click here for more information.
What We Are Learning About - Autumn 1
"You are precious to me. I love you. I know you. I know your name. I call you by your name. \you are my child." Isaiah 43, 1-2
CTK Knowledge Organiser EYFS Topic 1 Domestic Church families
In Religion, the children will be learning about belonging to God family and how God loves us and knows us by our name.
Our Prayer Garden
In our outdoor area, we have set up a prayer garden where the children will be encouraged to engage in prayer and worship. We will hold special celebration here, such as Harvest, Remembrance Day and the Crowning of Our Lady.
Our topic for this half-term is "All About Me." Please click here to see our Knowledge Organiser for this half term.
In Maths, the children will be learning how to count quantities accurately, matching them to the current numeral. We will be recapping on the names of 2D shapes and using these to make shape pictures.
Useful Maths Websites:
In Communication, Language and Literacy, we will be reading the story "What the Ladybird Heard" by Julia Donaldson. The children will be learning to retell the story and write labels for the animals using the phonics sounds they can hear.
Handy hints for helping your child with early reading at home.
Useful Literacy and Communication Websites:
In Phonics, we are learning to read and write Set 1 sounds. It is important for all children to know these sounds so they can use them independently in their reading and writing. We are encouraging children to use “pure sounds” as used in this video. Please share this with your child and encourage them to say these sounds out loud as often as possible.
Video: Parent video: How to say the sounds
It is really important that your child has the correct pencil grip for writing. Share this short video with your child to practise holding a pencil correctly. Encourage them to use their pinchy parrot fingers!
Healthy Teeth
At Christ the King, we want to promote the importance of good oral hygiene. We would appreciate it if you could share these videos with your child and talk about the importance of brushing your teeth in the morning and at night. You can also discuss how different foods and drinks can be good or bad for your teeth. With this in mind, please ensure your child only brings water and healthy snacks to school.
Video: Top Toothbrushing Tips
Our visit from the Dental Nurse
The Dental Nurse is coming to visit our class this half term. She will teach us about how to keep our teeth healthy with our diet and cleaning routines.
Staying Safe
To promote safety around laundry and cleaning products, we are using the resource Staying Safe with Sam. In addition to reading different stories on this theme, we have been learning a chant to help the children remember what to do.
Children will receive a resource pack to take home for parents. This contains a mini storybook, an activity sheet, a poster copy, a fact sheet, and an 'I stayed safe with Sam' sticker.
Culcheth Lane, Manchester, Lancashire M40 1LU
0161 681 2779
For telephone enquiries please ask for Mrs Potter.
At point of contact, enquires and queries will be dealt with by Mrs. Potter.
For a paper copy of any information on this website, please contact the school office.
SEN enquiries will be passed on to the school SENDCo Mrs Holroyd.